Monday, October 12, 2015

Current Events

Well, it's finally happened. Sir Reginald and I were wed a few days ago in a simple ceremony. I can honestly say that everything that made the event special was personally done by a guest or loved one.

If my dress looks familiar, it's an idea that Minnie and I have been toying with for some time. Here is a sketch of the design that I had originally shared with you a few months ago when we were designing the prototype. Actual stitching of the wedding dress was done exclusively by Minnie, and I only wish I could have been on hand to fully document the process. She did an amazing job, and I felt very classy that evening. The pearls are hand beaded and knotted my my dearest childhood friend. (more of her work here: )

What I have not been doing lately is sewing. I have had every intention of continuing on with projects but life seems to have swept me along rather rapidly. Sir Reginald and I have moved to a new home in a new city and so there has been a good deal of settling in required. Also, the majority of the tools of my trade are still residing in packing boxes. On a positive note, I now have a full study dedicated to my work, whether that be at the sewing machine or in my books. All that remains is some final shelving of my materials, and I should be back in business.

Although I haven't been able to create anything new for some months, I was able to re-combine a few old things to make a new look. I recently attended a festival with some friends, and was able to finally use last year's Liliana Vess attire as something besides costuming. You can see me below on the right hand side, and although it does not show in the picture, I'm wearing the skirt layered with a  burgundy underskirt. My favorite part of the festival, of course, was viewing the work of other seamstresses as many of them have shops set up in the area. Between admiring the sights and the lovely weather it made for a very pleasant day out with good friends.

Until I have more to share, please be well

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